rotorua earthquake history

Te Arawa refer to their tribal area in the saying ‘Mai i Maketū ki Tongariro …Ko Te Arawa te waka’, which places the prow of the Te Arawa canoe at Maketū on the Bay of Plenty coast, and the stern at Mt Tongariro. The collection of taonga Māori relating to Te Arawa is of national significance. Photo/Stephen Parker. However, they described two severe earthquakes, at Taupō and Rotorua. One of several large volcanoes in the Rotorua region, its underlying magma chamber collapsed after a massive eruption around 200,000 years ago.The collapse created a circular caldera about 16 kilometres wide, which filled with water to form the North Island's second largest lake. In human history, we only have a few major earthquakes to look back to. The biggest NZ earthquake - magnitude 8.2 Wairarapa earthquake in 1855. Museums & Galleries. Since 1815, New Zealand was struck by over 100 earthquakes, however, only 14 had recorded fatalities. Rotorua History Find out about the history of Rotorua right here. The Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa is a local museum and art gallery in the Government Gardens near the centre of Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand.. The maximum uplift was 6.4m near Turakirae Head, east of Wellington. Māori accounts of earthquakes. Several accounts of earthquakes experienced by Māori were recorded by European writers. A series of strong aftershocks are rattling the Bay of Plenty after a magnitude 4.5 earthquake rocked the region early on Monday morning. With a history of tourism and manaakitanga, Rotorua is great place to discover New Zealand’s heritage and traditional Māori culture. ... Mailing Address: Rotorua Library, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, Rotorua Email: … Taonga Māori. While many were shaken by the events, Mataia Keepa says the tremble was Rūaumoko paying the region a visit. The death toll was 185*, making it New Zealand’s worst natural disaster in terms of loss of life since 1931. The iconic Rotorua Museum, one of New Zealand’s most-photographed buildings, is the starting point for free … . Rotorua's 34 earthquake-prone buildings. Shortly before 8 am the region was rocked by a 4.5 magnitude shake at a depth of only 4km. In his book Old Whanganui (1915), T. W. Downes noted that Māori said that earthquakes were less frequent and less violent before Europeans arrived. On an international scale, the 1855 earthquake is of major significance in terms of the area affected and the amount of fault movement. #EARTHQUAKE Rotorua residents were jolted by a series of earthquakes this morning. 1616. About 5000km 2 of land was shifted vertically during the quake. Here is the list of the five deadliest earthquakes ever recorded in … This beautifully peaceful lake has a violent history. The Rotorua Museum has been closed due to earthquake damage. The museum is housed in the former Bath House building which was opened in 1908 and is noted as the first major investment in the New Zealand tourism industry by the government. An out of those 14, 11 earthquakes had under 10 fatalities. Earthquakes occur frequently in New Zealand as the country is situated in the collision zone between the Indo-Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, part of the Pacific Basin Ring of Fire, where many earthquakes and volcanoes occur. 2011 Christchurch earthquake At 12.51 p.m. on 22 February a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 10 km south-east of central Christchurch at a depth of only 5 km.