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關於夢飛翔 About

About PTDreams......


There is always a discrepancy between a dream and the reality. If we have to choose, most people would compromise to the reality. The same situation is also seen in current medical system. Most physical therapists who work in hospital were suffocated in countless medical chart writing, hospital accreditation, meeting and so on. They may lose their passion and enthusiasm over time. This time, we decided to return to the essence of high-quality medical care. Contributing the profession we have learned to the society, helping those in need and providing high quality service, to fulfill the dream of a physical therapist.

  • Beginning

    我們是一群專注於疼痛處理、姿勢矯正以及兒童發展,帶著夢想的年輕物理治療師們。2018年的四月,夢飛翔物理治療所誕生了... 我們希望透過這個平台提供更優質的物理治療,除了詳盡的評估,還包含精準到位的治療,不間斷地和客戶/家長和孩子溝通合作,看到客戶/孩子和家庭透過合適的治物理治療回到職場、家庭,可以發揮更好的工作效率及學校生活帶給社會更好的回饋,是我們的使命和願景。

    We are a group of physiotherapists who experienced in pain management, posture correction and child development. Dreams Physiotherapy Clinic was established in April 2018. We provide a comprehensive physiotherapy service, besides of evaluation and treatment, we also focus on the communication between therapist and clients. We dedicate to make our clients return to their job, family life, or sport field with a better function through our physiotherapy service.



Professional, cooperative, caring Is our philosophy



  • 去對於疼痛的處理都著重在如何緩解局部的緊繃和不適為主,但隨著醫療的進步和技術的提升,治療疼痛有新的概念。疼痛的形成,往往是累積已久的傷害所造成,原因可能是長期姿勢不良、肌肉不平衡或筋肌膜失衡所致,如果我們只對局部的疼痛作處理(如吃止痛藥、打針注射,甚至開刀等),只得到暫時的緩解,但根本的問題其實並沒有解決。 疼痛其實是一種訊號,告訴我們身體某些地方出了問題,如果今天我們只單單消除疼痛,會讓我們誤以為身體好了,但產生疼痛的問題並沒有解決,所以之後一定還會復發。本院治療理念認為要治療疼痛,一定要改善大腦對於身體的動作控制,改善動作模式和肌肉功能,才能更治疼痛的問題。

    In the past, the treatment of pain has mainly focused on how to relieve local tension and discomfort, but with the advancement of medical treatment and the improvement of technology, there is a new concept for the treatment of pain. The formation of pain is often caused by long-term accumulated injuries, which may be caused by long-term poor posture, muscle imbalance or fascial muscle imbalance. If we only deal with local pain (such as taking painkillers, injections, Even surgery, etc.), only temporary relief, but the fundamental problem has not been solved. Pain is actually a signal that tells us that something is wrong with the body. If we only eliminate the pain today, we will be mistaken for our health, but the problem of pain has not been resolved, so it will definitely recur later. The hospital’s treatment concept believes that to treat pain, it is necessary to improve the brain’s control of the body’s movements, improve the movement pattern and muscle function, in order to cure the problem of pain.



  • 脖子痛或背痛時去拉拉腰、拉拉脖子、熱敷,疼痛就得到改善了嗎?或許當下是的,但回到家或回到職場可能又變回原狀,仍然還是陷入惡性循環中;當孩子需要治療,卻不知道如何幫孩子做治療嗎?在這裡,我們打破傳統的概念,透過和客戶/家長建立良好的合作關係,在每一次的治療中,除了專業介入,治療師會花很多的時間去溝通和了解客戶/家長/孩子所在意的問題是什麼,並且設計個別化的居家運動計畫,讓客戶/家長/孩子可以把治療帶回家,融入日常生活當中。

    When neck pain or back pain, cervical traction, lumbar traction and thermotherapy , does the pain improve? Maybe it is right now, but when you return home or work, you may return to the original state and still fall into a vicious circle; when the child needs some training but do n’t know how to help the child? Here, we break the traditional concept and establish a good cooperative relationship with clients / parents. In each treatment, in addition to professional intervention, the therapist will spend a lot of time to communicate and understand what the client / parent / child cares about What is the problem, and design an individualized home sports plan so that the client / parent / child can take the treatment home and integrate it into daily life.



  • 們在接觸每一個客戶、家長、孩子的初心,都是為了提供有效的治療,以及全人的關懷。我們以個案管理模式,為個案記錄每一次治療的進展與進步,一起制訂合理的目標,共同努力完成;除了疾病和疼痛,我們也仔細傾聽個案的生活模式、工作型態、功能需求與心理狀態,因為這些,都和您的健康息息相關,我們希望能提供最全面的關懷與建議,來共創最佳的身心理健康。

    We are in contact with every client, parent, and child in order to provide effective treatment and care for the whole person. We use case management model to record the progress and progress of each treatment for the case, formulate reasonable goals together, and work together to complete; in addition to disease and pain, we also listen carefully to the life style, work pattern, functional needs and psychological state of the case Because these are closely related to your health, we hope to provide the most comprehensive care and advice to create the best physical and mental health.

  • 疼痛處理


    Professional assessment, from musculoskeletal and motion analysis, to understand individual problems, from acute to chronic pain, to provide precise treatment directions to solve your problems

  • 姿勢矯正


    Using scientific methods, from static posture assessment to dynamic gait analysis, through a variety of training, to give you the comprehensive posture correction

  • 兒童發展


    Professional counseling, family-centered intervention, using neurofacilitation to help children overcome obstacles in motor development, and accompany parents to help children’s dreams